PinnedHow to Clean Up CouchDB databaseCouchDB is very special database: it keeps all the deleted records, it keeps versioning off the records, and it keeps as well all the data…Dec 17, 2019Dec 17, 2019
Software Development Craftsmanship with Java-> DevOpsPart 1 — “The Dev” -> Software Development Craftsmanship with JavaMar 2, 2020Mar 2, 2020
Software Development Craftsmanship with JavaAn Intro to the software development craftsmanship with JavaFeb 18, 2020Feb 18, 2020
How did I recover my health and feel a lot younger againI’m Simeon Iliev and I’m a senior software developer, living and working in The Netherlands (Holland) in Europe. And in this post I will…Dec 1, 2019Dec 1, 2019
How to start learning JavaScript. And how to become JavaScript DeveloperLearning path for the people willing to become JavaScript DevelopersJul 31, 2019Jul 31, 2019
Export & Import a Database with CouchDBIn order to Export and Import a CouchDB database, following the guide from this post: “Export & Import a Database with CouchDB”, we need…Jan 15, 20193Jan 15, 20193