How to survive Covid-19 when no access to public health system

Disclaimer: This post is about how to survive Covid-19 SARS Corona Virus-2, at home, when no access to public health system. This post is trying to provide guidance, but does not guarantee results in all cases. Human health is something very personal. Some stuff that are applicable to some people are not applicable to other people, based on their genetics, health situation and version of the virus. As well I’m not a doctor or health care specialist. Everything I share is based on my own research and experience. Take it as advice and guide on how to start and make your own research.
If you have Covid-19 or you suspect that you maybe have Covid-19 but you do not have access to health practitioner or public health system, like doctors or hospitals. Well in that case you are not in good situation. So you need to rely fully on your own body and your own immune system.
In case you know your body well, and you know how to boost your immune system. For example you know this based on experience with previous viruses or illnesses you had. Well, definitely try to do that again.
Here in this post I share what I did to boost my immune system, when I had corona virus based on my own research and experience, as well the researches and publications I found in internet.
The main thing is to heat up and stay warm, what I mean warmer than normal. This should be done during the entire period of your immune system fighting with the virus.
Here is how I can try to describe the things to do in order to survive COVID-19 just relying on your immune system:
- Do not panic or think you will die. Even if you have bad symptoms, try to stay positive, your body can overcome it if you provide him with the proper environment and care.
If you believe in God, start praying, if needed repent, and have faith that you will be OK. - Stay at home in a single room if possible, your body will adapt to the environment and will start concentrating on the fight with the virus only.
- Heat up your body. Not too much -> do not burn yourself. Do it in moderation(few times a day). Preferably dry heat up, use hair dryer or electric pillow or electric blanket.
(Sauna or Hot bath also applicable, but you need to make sure you dry yourself very fast in a warm place after the bath. And do not expose yourself in cold for a while.)
It is well known fact that human immune system works well, actually works a lot better on higher body temperatures. - Use your winter clothes at home (your hat, your jacket etc) to your body at regular temperature and no sudden temperature changes of the environment.
In case of sweat, change your clothes often with dry ones. - Sleep and rest a lot. Especially in the time slot between 18:30 and 23:00 o’clock.
Not having proper sleep may worsen the situation.
In case of problems sleeping, you can help yourself if you can get some melatonin. - Drink warm, boiled water. (Tea off course as well)
The water in many places have a lot of germ/bacteria etc in it. When you boil it they will die out. This will help your body to stop fighting with the normal bacteria it gets from your water and will allow concentrate fighting with the virus only. - Make sure to replenish the air in the room you stay the most at home.
This will reduce the number of the virus in the air, that potentially can come back to you again. Well, also to others if you are not alone. - Take a lot of Vitamin C.
(With water and lemon off course if possible. Plus ma) - Take if possible vitamin D and Vitamin K2 or Aspirin, plus maybe Quercetin. (plus maybe if available Zinc and Magnesium)
- Again, If it get worse do not panic, you can still become better, your immune system is fighting.
But since this post is for the people who do not have access to hospital. Well, it is sad that you do not have access to a hospital, they would give you oxygen or other emergency medicines to help you go through it. So try your best to find medical help. But also do not give up and continue fighting and praying to God. And maybe ask family, friends or people from your local church to help you.
To summarise the main things again: keep calm, heat up, drink warm water, stay on constant temperature and rest a lot. Did I mentioned to heat up?
Following those steps above, when I got Covid-19 (and was tested positive), I didn’t had any major symptoms and my body successfully overcame the virus. And my wife for example not doing any of that, had symptoms and didn’t felt well for 1 week, even though she is younger and skinnier.
To give context I’m a male in my mid thirties, and a bit overweight (so this last one would put me in a risk group).
Ok, that is it, good luck. Feel free to translate to other languages as well, and create similar posts(do not act as a doctor though), but maybe with this info we can save someones life.
I do not provide the links to the sources I found this guide points, because I do not have time now. But in case you want me to do so, let me know in the comments and I will provide them. As well, if you know other stuff that can help survive covid-19 or maybe helped you personally. Please add them to the post as comments. Maybe you will help someone as well.