How did I recover my health and feel a lot younger again

I’m Simeon Iliev and I’m a senior software developer. I’m currently living and working in The Netherlands (Holland) in Europe. And in this post I want to share my personal story about how I did recover my health and feel a lot younger again. To start let me first share some personal information. Currently I’m coming to my mid 30-ies, I’m married with 3 children, also I’m devoted christian believer. Love my job and normally working very hard (I guess typical for many passionate software developers). But due to the hard work, long hours and a lot of stress, few months ago I was super exhausted, super tired, and overweight. If I would continue like that probably I was going soon to crush badly — physically and probably emotionally as well. So I was very stressed, working too much (though having fun for most of it). And all my free time I was spending with my kids, taking all my left energy, and leaving me without much time to sleep. I love them a lot so that is normal as well. So as a summary I had almost no time to rest and re-cover or even to have proper long sleep. I was so bad at one time, that I had almost constant pain in the head and in the eyes. I was so overweight as well I even could not take stairs in the office (OK, with great effort I was able to make to the 4th floor, without breadth in the end). I couldn’t walk fast or much, without feeling tired. And due to the constant lack of sleep and constant tiredness I was kind-a addicted to sugary food and drinks to keep my energy levels up. Also to all kind of junk foods — chips, hamburgers, donuts etc.
And after a very stressful period few months ago, in the end of which period I almost didn’t slept for 3 days, I decided that this is too much, and I need to take an action to recover. So the first thing I did, is to start praying to God, asking Him to help me to recover, because I was in very bad situation, like really screwing it up. Shortly after starting those prayers while scrolling in YouTube I found a video about the research of the Harvard Medical School Prof. Dr. David Sinclair about reversing ageing. So after watching the first video, I searched for more videos and I searched for more info about what prof. David Sinclair and his works and findings. Also I found info about his book: “Lifespan: Why We Age — and Why We Don’t Have To”. So in the end of my research I found some of the compounds that Prof. Dr. David Sinclair is taking to keep himself healthy and looking younger. And I decided to buy and try them as well.
So I did so. And this changed a lot…..
Now few months later I’m really recovering, and I continue to recover. I drop weight naturally, almost without any efforts. I do not need sugars anymore, and I do not like junk food anymore. Once a day I eat either a fruit salad, or a vegetable salad, and this makes me feel full. (I tried this in the past, but couldn’t make it. Neither I couldn’t drop fully the sugary stuff, neither couldn’t drop the junk food. And I didn’t really succeed to eat healthy food for longer, except in few short periods. I couldn’t really drop weight as well, or feel better or younger.)
But now I’m dropping weight so easy. Also I have a lot of energy. My muscles are stronger again, also feeling my blood flow a lot better. I can get my sleep faster. My testosterone levels gone up as well. Actually I recovered fully and I feel younger again. I can jump now when taking the stairs up. I can walk a lot also very fast, and even I can run without getting tired or without air in the first seconds like in the past.
So thanks God, he heard my prayers and helped me to recover. He did that by guiding me finding the works of Prof. David Sinclair, and allowing me to buy and use some of the compounds from plants which compounds help human bodies to recover and which compounds can slow down aging.
You can check the book from David Sinclair:
Lifespan: Why We Age_and Why We Don’t Have To:

What I take currently from supplement perspective to recover
The presented list bellow is in a random order:
- Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D (recomended daily dosage)
- Metformin (1000 mg a day)
- Trans resveratrol (500 to 1000 mg a day)
- Nicotinamide riboside *NR (250–500 mg a day; dont have enough money for NMN — the one David Sinclair is taking but too expensive I think)
- Pterostilbene, Fisetin, Quercetin (recomended daily dosage)
- Common pack of multivitamins (recommended daily dosage)
- CoQ10, PQQ and Taurine (recommended daily dosage, every other day)
- Melatonin 0.3 mg (added later improved my sleep a bit)
- Aspirine+Vit C 250 g (doing this from time to time)
Make sure if you buy those vitamins and polyphenols to keep them in the fridge (or dark and cool place), especially the resveratrol, otherwise it will loose its effect.
Also when you take them (especially the resveratrol), make sure to add them to the food and let them dissolve and after that eat them, otherwise you will experience less or no effect.
You can also check how do I take them for maximum effect based on my own experience so far in my second post in this series here:
How I take the health recovery and anti-aging supplements: Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), Trans-Resveratrol, Quercetin and Fisetin)
How I would recommend to start a recovery program with NMN, Resveratrol and others, see in this post: How I would recommend to start with NMN and Resveratrol body repair recovery and anti aging.
Some of the videos I watched and I believe will be useful to watch
The presented list bellow is in a random order:
Joe Rogan Experience #1234 — David Sinclair
(* kind-a do not like the intro scene, but skip it…):
This Harvard Professor Explains the Secret to Aging in Reverse | David Sinclair on Health Theory:
David Sinclair: “Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To” | Talks at Google:
Dr. David Sinclair on Informational Theory of Aging, Nicotinamide Mononucleotide, Resveratrol & More
* Note as a disclaimer: have in mind I’m not a doctor or physician of any kind. So take this post as informational, and make sure to make your own research or consultation with a physician if you are not sure what to do.
If you like this story and want me to share more info about it, or maybe create an YouTube video about it -> let me know in the comments…..