How I take the health recovery and anti-aging supplements: Nicotinamide Riboside (NR), Trans-Resveratrol, Quercetin and Fisetin)

Following the topic from my previous post on how I recovered my health and feel a lot younger again: check it out here, in this post I want to share more details on how I take the mentioned supplements for maximum effect, based on my own experience so far. Because based on how I feel daily I try to improve the way I take them for maximum effect.
To give more context first, I’m software developer who had great experience in improving my health, look and feel following the example of Prof. Dr. David Sinclair and the supplements he is using for himself.
So to remind you what I take: Nicotinamide Riboside(NR), Trans-resveratrol, Quercetin, Fisetin and Metformin, plus some others with not that high priority. For more info about the quantities check in my previous post.
I decided to start taking those supplements following the example of the Harvard Prof. Dr. David Sinclair, which he gives in his book and his YouTube video interviews and podcasts. Also following his example to let them dissolve in the food. I started by adding them to my yogurt as he is doing in the morning.
You can find Dr. David Sinclair book for more details in Amazon, it is called
“Lifespan: Why We Age_and Why We Don’t Have To”, and here is a link to it:
But with the time I found that for me works even better if I do it a bit differently.
Having in mind that all those supplements are either vitamins or either polyphenols from plants or other foods, I believe the best way to take them is indeed to dissolve them into the food. But what kind of food to dissolve them works the best. Maybe yogurts as David Sinclair is doing. For me rather works the best if I dissolve them into the fruit or vegetable salad or fresh fruit and vegetable smoothie.
So here I have an ordered list on how I use them by priority (high to low) when possible, depends on the meal and place:
- Fruit or vegetable salad or fresh fruit and vegetable smoothie
(with few droplets olive or sunflower oil.) - Fresh juice from fruit or vegetables.
(with few droplets olive or sunflower oil.) - Normal fruit and vegetables juice preferably 100% fruit or vegetable content and preferably bio (some times mixed with yogurt).
- Any type of yogurts.
- Any good soup (vegetable preferably, with few droplets olive or sunflower oil.).
- Any good (herbal) tea.
- Or any other food (without meat preferably).
Note that if you just add them your tea, or very liquid kind of food it will dissolve a bit, but not too much. So the content will stay at the bottom or on the walls of your cup, but you actually want to consume it all. You paid for it, and it is expensive, do not leave it on the cup walls. So you will have to find other means to take it from there and consume it fully.
(I must admit, that it best dissolves and it is easiest to consume with yogurt, i mean from no leftovers perspective I mean…)
Also by having it already few months, I must say by my own experience that if I have it with too many meals with meat, or too long meals without fruit and vegetables, like fresh salads or just fresh smoothies, the effect is not the same for that week or those days. Also the effect goes weaker if I overeat too much.
What I found myself doing the most so far, is to mixing them with yogurt, with few droplets olive or sunflower oil, some good (fresh or bio) fruit juice to make it a bit tastier, and adding few fruit pieces in there, like maybe blueberries, strawberries and grapes.
How I would recommend to start a recovery program with NMN, Resveratrol and others, see in this post: How I would recommend to start with NMN and Resveratrol body repair recovery and anti aging.
*** Now have in mind I’m software engineer not a doctor or medical person or physician, for everything you do, make sure to perform as well your own research.